I would like to first make a request to anyone reading this
post. Please do not post argumentative comments or strongly worded opinions
regarding the topic of owl viewing ethics under this piece of writing. I do not
intend for this blog post to be the next great unresolvable owl ethics debate,
and I do not want to have to hide angry and potentially inappropriate comments
if a typical owl ethics debate begins. If you’re confused by my request, I will
explain further below. This is a fairly long post for the sake of clearly
explaining the complicated topic. If you are only interested in my Big Year owl
list at this point, which is totally cool too, stay tuned for a post in the
near future in which I list which species I have encountered so far this year.
I think it’s worth first addressing the topic of owl ethics,
suppressing sightings, and why I asked that people do not post strong opinions.
Why suppress owl sightings? Owls are very susceptible to abuse by those who are
more interested in their own sightings or photos than in the well being of
wildlife. They’re large, impressive looking, fairly stationary, rarely seen,
and are more often than not pretty badass – naturally attracting much interest
and attention by naturalists, biologists, and general public alike. Some photographers
enjoy baiting owls (releasing live mice bought at pet stores to attract nearby
owls) in order to get those amazing photos we’ve probably all seen in nature
magazines, as this is nearly the only opportunity one may have for such photos.
Is baiting owls ethically right to do? Probably not, but there is a lot of
division and heated debate among birders, naturalists, and photographers over
the ethics of viewing and photographing owls, so I’m not going to get into that
here. Anyone who is a member of the Ontario Birds Facebook group can attest to
this debate topic getting pretty out of control pretty fast. As an example, there
was recently a post mentioning seeing photographers baiting an owl, and within
a day or two there were over 350 comments under that post, including some very
ugly language. This kind of thing only further divides people and is not a
constructive way to get a point across. Peaceful and calm dialogue is generally
the only effective way to educate people. Ultimately, many birders suppress owl
sightings because of how quickly the information spreads into the hands of
those who have different ethical beliefs than their own, turning that owl’s
presence into a zoo of bird watchers and photographers.
If I believe in not publicizing my owl sightings, then why
am I writing a post about owls observed in my Big Year? A Big Year is a pretty
competitive quest, and in something so competitive I must go into it assuming
that there will be people who will try to discredit some of my claimed
sightings. I will not be posting exact locations of many owls or other
sensitive species observed in my Big Year, but I feel that I can help to secure
the validity of these sightings to others by at least posting about them.
Ontario’s owl list consists of twelve species, and with some
work, one can expect to see up to ten or eleven of them in the province in a
year. I know that my brief words describing seasonal abundance of each species
is debatable, and most of this information pertains to Southern Ontario where I
spend most of my time. Hopefully this at least gives a general understanding of
the topic to those who are not familiar with these species. Ontario’s owl list
- Barn Owl (year-round and migratory, VERY RARE, nearly extirpated from Ontario)
- Eastern Screech-Owl (year-round, COMMON in Southern Ontario)
- Great Horned Owl (year-round, COMMON across Ontario)
- Snowy Owl (winter, sporadically UNCOMMON TO COMMON in Southern Ontario)
- Northern Hawk-Owl (winter, FAIRLY RARE in Northern Ontario’s boreal habitat)
- Burrowing Owl (MEGA RARE vagrant, not realistically expected)
- Barred Owl (year-round, somewhat UNCOMMON in Ontario)
- Great Gray Owl (winter, UNCOMMON in Northern and Central Ontario’s boreal habitat)
- Long-eared Owl (winter, UNCOMMON in Southern Ontario)
- Short-eared Owl (winter and during migration, UNCOMMON in Southern Ontario)
- Boreal Owl (winter, FAIRLY RARE outside of deep boreal forest)
- Northern Saw-whet Owl (winter, UNCOMMON in Southern Ontario)
This concludes my thoughts on owls and how they pertain to
my 2017 Ontario Big Year! You may have noticed that the photos in this post are clearly not necessarily photos I've captured this year in Ontario. In fact, none of them are from this year and a couple are not from Ontario, but these species are all on the Ontario list. I figured it would be fun to make a bit of suspense
as to which owl species I have seen so far. Stay tuned for my post on
which owls I have seen so far this year, and thank you for reading!
Good birding!