So there is an Elegant Tern on the Niagara River right now. I am not 100% sure if it has been officially seen over Ontario water but if/when it is, it is/will be Ontario's first ever record for this species!! Wow, two first records in Fort Erie this fall!
I wish I was there right now (or could afford to go today). I have a dentist appoint that I already last-second rescheduled for today and they were nice enough to not charge me, so I don't want to push it. I also had a lot of school work to do last night, the time that I would have otherwise been using to drive to Niagara. I wish much luck to Josh, Alan, Marcie, and anyone else trying to see it today. Maybe if I'm lucky enough it will stick around until Sunday. I know what I'll be doing Saturday night if it is still around: drive to Niagara! Hopefully I can follow up on this with a sighting and some photos. If not, oh well! Good birding!
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Long time no post! Moosonee Trip!! (1)
At the end of September and into the beginning of October, I joined my friends Alan Wormington and Josh Vandermeulen on a week-long trip to Moosonee. Moosonee is slightly south of James Bay, near the mouth of the Moose River. It is a very small town (to me it seemed tiny, but it's not so small compared to other northern towns) and the only way to get there is by train, boat, or aircraft. We had to drive about 1000 km to a town called Cochrane, then the famous Polar Bear Express train took us the rest of the way to Moosonee.
Here is my first journal of the trip. This is what we did and saw on our way to Moosonee:
Thursday, 26 September, 2013
Midnight to supper time: we drove and drove and looked at many spots such as sewage lagoons, a garbage dump, and a few open field areas. We didn't see anything too crazy today, and I didn't sleep the previous night so I was too tired to look very hard, but also too tired to care about not looking. We did see a Black-backed Woodpecker, which was a lifer for me! I only got a quick glance at it after Josh and Alan noticed it, so I would love to see another one sometime soon.
We saw this Sora at the Powassan sewage lagoons, I believe:
Friday, 27 September, 2013
We drove on a highway (at a very, very fast speed) to Abitibi Dam then to Fraserdale, and we stumbled upon a few Gray Jays, about 15 Spruce Grouse, and 5 Ruffed Grouse, which were all new life-list species for me! We got very close to some of the grouse and took some beautiful photos of them. Below are some of my nicer Spruce and Ruffed Grouse photos from the trip.
At Abitibi Dam, we looked pretty hard for Northern Wheatear, as we did at many of our stops, and came up with very few birds, period. I did see and photograph my first Wood Frog and a rather interesting dragonfly.
This is a Boreal Snaketail dragonfly (thanks Bill Lamond for the ID, and Alan for asking him!). We saw a couple of these at Abitibi Dam. They were a bit wary, but stayed low and were much less flighty than darners. It appears that their flight time ends in September, so I guess this sighting pushed a bit late seeing as this was one of the last days of September. Regardless, a very nice looking species!
This compound (too big to call a house) was abandoned, and there were large areas of uncut grass all over the place so we naturally looked around for birds. Like in an eerie movie or something, an old man showed up out of no where while we birded that area (all of a sudden he was just standing there near our car!) and in a Clint Eastwood sort of way asked, "They doin' anything with that place?" We didn't know... We just wanted a Northern Wheatear! He went on to tell us that it was apparently being built for about $50 million, and after about $25M, the owner ran out of money and stopped construction. Wow, that's a big house and a lot of money! Needless to say, the three of us turned to look at something and when we turned back, the old man was gone. Okay, so maybe it didn't happen in such an eerie way, but his Clint Eastwood demeanor made me imagine it that way. Lol.
Thank you for reading!
Next blog: Moosonee!
Here is my first journal of the trip. This is what we did and saw on our way to Moosonee:
Thursday, 26 September, 2013
Midnight to supper time: we drove and drove and looked at many spots such as sewage lagoons, a garbage dump, and a few open field areas. We didn't see anything too crazy today, and I didn't sleep the previous night so I was too tired to look very hard, but also too tired to care about not looking. We did see a Black-backed Woodpecker, which was a lifer for me! I only got a quick glance at it after Josh and Alan noticed it, so I would love to see another one sometime soon.
We saw this Sora at the Powassan sewage lagoons, I believe:
Friday, 27 September, 2013
We drove on a highway (at a very, very fast speed) to Abitibi Dam then to Fraserdale, and we stumbled upon a few Gray Jays, about 15 Spruce Grouse, and 5 Ruffed Grouse, which were all new life-list species for me! We got very close to some of the grouse and took some beautiful photos of them. Below are some of my nicer Spruce and Ruffed Grouse photos from the trip.
This is a Boreal Snaketail dragonfly (thanks Bill Lamond for the ID, and Alan for asking him!). We saw a couple of these at Abitibi Dam. They were a bit wary, but stayed low and were much less flighty than darners. It appears that their flight time ends in September, so I guess this sighting pushed a bit late seeing as this was one of the last days of September. Regardless, a very nice looking species!
This compound (too big to call a house) was abandoned, and there were large areas of uncut grass all over the place so we naturally looked around for birds. Like in an eerie movie or something, an old man showed up out of no where while we birded that area (all of a sudden he was just standing there near our car!) and in a Clint Eastwood sort of way asked, "They doin' anything with that place?" We didn't know... We just wanted a Northern Wheatear! He went on to tell us that it was apparently being built for about $50 million, and after about $25M, the owner ran out of money and stopped construction. Wow, that's a big house and a lot of money! Needless to say, the three of us turned to look at something and when we turned back, the old man was gone. Okay, so maybe it didn't happen in such an eerie way, but his Clint Eastwood demeanor made me imagine it that way. Lol.
Here are a few neat flowers that I saw. The first one is an Oxeye Daisy and the second is a Common Tansy. Thank you Alan for those identifications!
Around lunch time we boarded the Polar Bear Express from Fraserdale to Moosonee. This was my first time riding a train and it was a lot of fun! It was less bumpy than driving a car, and the windows were huge - perfect for finding and viewing birds! We saw 5 Sharp-tailed Grouse (lifer!) and Josh taught me about many of the tree species that we passed.
At the moment I took this photo, I was very excited. I was about to take my first choo-choo ride!
Next blog: Moosonee!
More Rare Birds Welcome Spring in the Point Pelee Area (as if I haven't seen enough rares lately)
Here is a blog that I wrote in April as a draft and forgot to post it! Hello again blog! Hopefully I find some time to write about some of my recent shenanigans.
This is from late winter:
Where to begin... I can't believe how well birding is going lately! I already felt rewarded enough with the Eurasian Wigeon in the Onion Fields and Bewick's Swan in Ridgetown, but this week my lucky streak indeed continued!
I spoiled myself with Eurasian Wigeons over the past week, although I did not manage to get close enough to any for a particularly nice photo :(. Oh well, we can't get everything on the first try or else life would be boring! Back to the wigeon: I saw it Friday night, a few hours after it was first found, and then again on Sunday with my girlfriend Nadia. Male Eurasian Wigeons are characterized by a bright red-coloured head with a creme-coloured stripe down the middle of the forehead (very similar to American Wigeon, which has a light brown and green head with a creme coloured forehead stripe). In a field of corn stubble and 1200 similar ducks, the head is the easiest and probably only way to identify them. The interesting thing about this second visit was that although it was in the exact same field as two nights before, this one looked different. Its head was still bright red, but its forehead stripe was much shorter, and did not extend to the top of its crown like it did previously. I was pretty sure that this could not have been the same bird as I saw before, but had no way of proving it, so I just shrugged it off and headed to Hillman Marsh. I bet that`s not the last we hear of my Eurasian Wigeon adventures!
This is a photo of an American Wigeon I captured in Kingsville in February (this is the common American version of the Eurasian Wigeon):
At least a few days per week, I have been visiting the South side of Hillman Marsh to get in some face time with Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese, two pretty rare species for the area, before they migrate North. In fact, here is a photo I captured on March 23 of a number of both species together. Can you tell how many of each are in the photo?
This is from late winter:
Where to begin... I can't believe how well birding is going lately! I already felt rewarded enough with the Eurasian Wigeon in the Onion Fields and Bewick's Swan in Ridgetown, but this week my lucky streak indeed continued!
I spoiled myself with Eurasian Wigeons over the past week, although I did not manage to get close enough to any for a particularly nice photo :(. Oh well, we can't get everything on the first try or else life would be boring! Back to the wigeon: I saw it Friday night, a few hours after it was first found, and then again on Sunday with my girlfriend Nadia. Male Eurasian Wigeons are characterized by a bright red-coloured head with a creme-coloured stripe down the middle of the forehead (very similar to American Wigeon, which has a light brown and green head with a creme coloured forehead stripe). In a field of corn stubble and 1200 similar ducks, the head is the easiest and probably only way to identify them. The interesting thing about this second visit was that although it was in the exact same field as two nights before, this one looked different. Its head was still bright red, but its forehead stripe was much shorter, and did not extend to the top of its crown like it did previously. I was pretty sure that this could not have been the same bird as I saw before, but had no way of proving it, so I just shrugged it off and headed to Hillman Marsh. I bet that`s not the last we hear of my Eurasian Wigeon adventures!
This is a photo of an American Wigeon I captured in Kingsville in February (this is the common American version of the Eurasian Wigeon):
At least a few days per week, I have been visiting the South side of Hillman Marsh to get in some face time with Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese, two pretty rare species for the area, before they migrate North. In fact, here is a photo I captured on March 23 of a number of both species together. Can you tell how many of each are in the photo?
On March 18, I took a trip to... guess it... my favourite local marsh again, Hillman Marsh! On this day, I was really hoping to see a Sandhill Crane, or maybe a first-of-the-year migrant gull or shorebird, and I was far from disappointed. Upon arriving, I noticed a tiny gull with a black head standing fairly close to where I was. My first thought was "Yeah! This must be a Bonaparte's or Little Gull!" (I know, newbie move, they're not really similar to each other, and neither have a dark mantle, dark legs, or a white eye ring like the bird I saw) Good thing I took a few quick photos, because within minutes all the gulls took off when a Bald Eagle flew over. I managed to watch this small hooded gull fly for a bit and saw that it had uniform dark gray on its upper wings with a white trailing edge and black tips. "Dark wings? Yay, this must be my first Little Gull of the year and second ever!" I was WAY OFF! This was a Franklin's Gull, a pretty rare bird for the area and a new species for my life list! My friend Alan told me that my sighting broke the 'early record' for this species in the Pelee area by 10 days (previous early record set on March 28, 1987). Here is a photo of it among Ring-billed and Herring Gulls before taking off:
And just for fun, here is a photo of a bird I saw a few days later. For a second, before I used my binoculars, I thought it was my Franklin's Gull. I'm sure you'll see why I thought so:
I think this is long enough for this blog! Enjoy!
Monday, 22 April 2013
Hi readers, I'm sorry I have not posted a blog in a number of weeks. This is only because I am in the process of writing my university final exams for the semester and have been diligently studying. Naturally, the rest of my time has been swallowed up by bird watching, hanging with my girlfriend, sleep, and a few shifts at Pelee Wings Nature store, my summer job. By coincidence, I just noticed it has been exactly one month since my last posting, so what better a time to say something!
Well, as I'm sure you have all seen by now, bird migration is very active with increasingly warm days, south winds, and some much needed rain. Most of the wintering diving ducks, geese, and swans have disappeared from the Essex County area back to their breeding grounds, and dabbling ducks such as Widgeon, Pintails, Gadwall, and Teals (and some diving ducks like Ring-necked Ducks, Bufflehead, and Ruddy Ducks) have filled the area. At the beaches and harbors lately, there are good numbers of Bonaparte's Gulls, Forster's Terns, loons, grebes, and Double-crested Cormorants. I also saw one Caspian Tern at Hillman Marsh recently, and an immature Little Gull last Sunday in front of Point Pelee's entrance, which was only my second Little Gull ever and my first self-found! The flooded fields and mudflats at places like Hillman Marsh now contain many Pectoral Sandpipers, Dunlin, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Wilson's Snipes, and the odd Spotted Sandpiper. Friends of mine have also seen a Least Sandpiper, Black-bellied Plovers, and even a Ruff lately! I spent hours looking but could not relocate the Ruff :( oh well, next time!
In the forests and fields, there have been oodles of Golden- and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, along with many Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Towhee (these names are making a geographical pattern... Lol). Two weekends ago I counted 7 sparrow species at the DeLaurier Homestead parking lot!
Well, as I'm sure you have all seen by now, bird migration is very active with increasingly warm days, south winds, and some much needed rain. Most of the wintering diving ducks, geese, and swans have disappeared from the Essex County area back to their breeding grounds, and dabbling ducks such as Widgeon, Pintails, Gadwall, and Teals (and some diving ducks like Ring-necked Ducks, Bufflehead, and Ruddy Ducks) have filled the area. At the beaches and harbors lately, there are good numbers of Bonaparte's Gulls, Forster's Terns, loons, grebes, and Double-crested Cormorants. I also saw one Caspian Tern at Hillman Marsh recently, and an immature Little Gull last Sunday in front of Point Pelee's entrance, which was only my second Little Gull ever and my first self-found! The flooded fields and mudflats at places like Hillman Marsh now contain many Pectoral Sandpipers, Dunlin, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Wilson's Snipes, and the odd Spotted Sandpiper. Friends of mine have also seen a Least Sandpiper, Black-bellied Plovers, and even a Ruff lately! I spent hours looking but could not relocate the Ruff :( oh well, next time!
In the forests and fields, there have been oodles of Golden- and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, along with many Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Towhee (these names are making a geographical pattern... Lol). Two weekends ago I counted 7 sparrow species at the DeLaurier Homestead parking lot!
Monday, 18 March 2013
March 15 - 2 Awesome Rarities In 2 Days!
Migration is still just beginning but it's already a lot of fun and has brought me some very rare birds in the last two days. On Thursday, March 14, I saw a message from my friend Jeremy Hatt about a Eurasian Wigeon in the Onion Fields North of Point Pelee, so on my way home I took a bit of a detour since it was still light outside and with a combination of directions from a couple of friends, I spotted it in minutes among hundreds of ducks! It really stood out with its bright red head and light coloured stripe down the middle. Its body was also notably grayer coloured than the American Wigeons. Since my photos of this species look like garbage, here is a short video of the Eurasian Wigeon foraging:
The next day(today), March 15, I left Leamington to meet up with my girlfriend Nadia and my best friend Chris in London, to bird Fanshawe Conservation Area. I must have been distracted thinking about birds or something, because I made a wrong turn in Wheatley and found myself on Talbot's Trail, the slow way to London! Darn, so I figured I'd make a quick stop at Ridgetown Sewage Lagoon before getting on the 401. Since I had not read any rare bird reports from this location in a while, I did not expect much, but I expected at least a variety of migrating ducks or something. I got my scope out of the car and noticed only a small number of ducks and geese, but no swans at all. This was a big change from the 2-4000 swans I was seeing here regularly in December.
I noted the small numbers of migrant ducks including Ring-necked Ducks and Buffleheads, as well as a Pied-billed Grebe, then heard something all too familiar to this location: flight calls of Tundra Swans! There were 3 flying towards the lagoon and I quickly noticed that one had a peculiar amount of yellow on its bill. It reminded me of swans I have seen in zoos (but it somehow didn't occur to me that they could be the same species or subspecies). Remember, I was in a big hurry after my mistaken detour to London, so I snapped a photo of it flying and a few of it on the water once it landed, and went on my way.
I did not need to do any research to find out what I saw at Ridgetown, because as I pulled into Nadia's dad's driveway an hour later, I read an Ontbirds email by Mike Burrell saying that Ken Burrell and Andrew Dean found it about half an hour after I did! This is in fact a Tundra Swan, but of the European "Bewick's" subspecies, which is extremely rare in Ontario! I heard that this is actually only the third record of this subspecies in the province! Awesome!
Here is a photo of the "Bewick's" Tundra Swan next to a North American "Whistling" Tundra Swan (Ring-necked Ducks and Redhead also in photo):
Birding Fanshawe Park with Nadia and Chris was a lot of fun too. We saw a Turkey Vulture, which are still pretty scarce in the area lately, gave Chris his first chance to have a bird land in his hand, and learned a thing or two about navigation when we realized the trail we were on took us out of the park.
Overall, it was a very fun couple of days filled with great birds and great people, like usual! I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
I did not need to do any research to find out what I saw at Ridgetown, because as I pulled into Nadia's dad's driveway an hour later, I read an Ontbirds email by Mike Burrell saying that Ken Burrell and Andrew Dean found it about half an hour after I did! This is in fact a Tundra Swan, but of the European "Bewick's" subspecies, which is extremely rare in Ontario! I heard that this is actually only the third record of this subspecies in the province! Awesome!
Here is a photo of the "Bewick's" Tundra Swan next to a North American "Whistling" Tundra Swan (Ring-necked Ducks and Redhead also in photo):
Birding Fanshawe Park with Nadia and Chris was a lot of fun too. We saw a Turkey Vulture, which are still pretty scarce in the area lately, gave Chris his first chance to have a bird land in his hand, and learned a thing or two about navigation when we realized the trail we were on took us out of the park.
Overall, it was a very fun couple of days filled with great birds and great people, like usual! I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Migration: It's On!
I intended to write this post 2-3 weeks ago when I noticed migration getting rolling, and I even wrote most of a post on the 'blogger app' on my phone, but it appears to have grown wings and flown away(bird pun, lame!). There's a lesson learned once again about trusting phone apps to work.
Anyway, I'm sure everyone is well aware that migration is under way! There are Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles (I hadn't seen a single grackle all winter until about 4 weeks ago) singing on nearly every tree or fence post in the Pelee area! Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but there are surely thousands of blackbirds in the area. I've seen a good handful of Rusty Blackbirds among mixed flocks too, which look and sound really neat. They're sort-of one of the ugliest bird species in my opinion but their ugliness has a certain simple artistic beauty (sorry to get so deep there haha). I read recently that Rusty Blackbirds have faced a population decline of about 85-99% in the last 40 years :0. That explains why I have such a hard time seeing many! I blame the starlings (or the people who brought starlings here); even if this isn't their fault, lots of other things are. Hopefully the RUBL do alright in the future. I have also seen quite a few American Robins in the area, which were extremely scarce through the winter months.
My friend Chris who I mentioned in my last post, was asking me 2 weeks ago about differences between Semi-palmated Plovers and Killdeer (the main difference is neck/chest bands: SPPL has 1 and KILL has 2) and the very next day he told me he saw one of these species! I hadn't seen more than a small handful of Killdeer all winter so I headed to that area to see what was cooking: I found 5 Killdeer in one field, and have been seeing them scattered around the Leamington/Essex County area since. Awesome, more migration!
Many new ducks have shown up at Hillman Marsh (and are currently present) in the last 2 weeks, including Northern Pintails, Gadwall, American Wigeons, Green-winged Teal, American Black Ducks, Northern Shovelers, Bufflehead, and Ring-necked Ducks. I love ducks! Also on the marsh there were 2 Sandhill Cranes last Monday, March 4 . My girlfriend Nadia and I saw one fly away and heard another making that awesome dinosaur sound they make. I'll have to try to post a nice audio/video clip of one croaking if I find a good chance to film it.
The last bird I'll include in my migration report is one of my favourites, and I'm not even too sure if this counts as migration, but I have been keeping an eye out for these and have not seen one in 2 months: Brown Creeper! I was most delighted to see one on a tree near the bird feeders at Ojibway Park in Windsor just over a week ago. I just think they're so cool, the way they disguise so well and shift side to side on trees while acting like woodpeckers. Because of their stealthy ways, there were many times in the fall I would hear their calls surround me out of no where, then move to a different area as quickly as they came, without even seeing the birds. Also, their spring mating songs sound awesome (which I look forward to hearing for my first time soon). I like to think it sounds sort-of like "I am the brown creeper!"
I will probably get back to this post to add photos and videos sometime soon. Hopefully my next report on migration isn't so delayed. Hope you enjoyed!
Anyway, I'm sure everyone is well aware that migration is under way! There are Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles (I hadn't seen a single grackle all winter until about 4 weeks ago) singing on nearly every tree or fence post in the Pelee area! Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but there are surely thousands of blackbirds in the area. I've seen a good handful of Rusty Blackbirds among mixed flocks too, which look and sound really neat. They're sort-of one of the ugliest bird species in my opinion but their ugliness has a certain simple artistic beauty (sorry to get so deep there haha). I read recently that Rusty Blackbirds have faced a population decline of about 85-99% in the last 40 years :0. That explains why I have such a hard time seeing many! I blame the starlings (or the people who brought starlings here); even if this isn't their fault, lots of other things are. Hopefully the RUBL do alright in the future. I have also seen quite a few American Robins in the area, which were extremely scarce through the winter months.
My friend Chris who I mentioned in my last post, was asking me 2 weeks ago about differences between Semi-palmated Plovers and Killdeer (the main difference is neck/chest bands: SPPL has 1 and KILL has 2) and the very next day he told me he saw one of these species! I hadn't seen more than a small handful of Killdeer all winter so I headed to that area to see what was cooking: I found 5 Killdeer in one field, and have been seeing them scattered around the Leamington/Essex County area since. Awesome, more migration!
Many new ducks have shown up at Hillman Marsh (and are currently present) in the last 2 weeks, including Northern Pintails, Gadwall, American Wigeons, Green-winged Teal, American Black Ducks, Northern Shovelers, Bufflehead, and Ring-necked Ducks. I love ducks! Also on the marsh there were 2 Sandhill Cranes last Monday, March 4 . My girlfriend Nadia and I saw one fly away and heard another making that awesome dinosaur sound they make. I'll have to try to post a nice audio/video clip of one croaking if I find a good chance to film it.
The last bird I'll include in my migration report is one of my favourites, and I'm not even too sure if this counts as migration, but I have been keeping an eye out for these and have not seen one in 2 months: Brown Creeper! I was most delighted to see one on a tree near the bird feeders at Ojibway Park in Windsor just over a week ago. I just think they're so cool, the way they disguise so well and shift side to side on trees while acting like woodpeckers. Because of their stealthy ways, there were many times in the fall I would hear their calls surround me out of no where, then move to a different area as quickly as they came, without even seeing the birds. Also, their spring mating songs sound awesome (which I look forward to hearing for my first time soon). I like to think it sounds sort-of like "I am the brown creeper!"
I will probably get back to this post to add photos and videos sometime soon. Hopefully my next report on migration isn't so delayed. Hope you enjoyed!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Some Recent Birding - Raptors and Waterfowl
It's been a few days since I last posted, but that certainly does not mean that I have not been birding! Oh, where to begin...
On Sunday February 24, I was told about a couple of Trumpeter Swans hanging around at Lake View Park Marina in East Windsor, so my girlfriend Nadia and I picked up one of my best friends, Chris (I have been successfully pushing him into birding recently =D), and we headed to Windsor. On the highway from Leamington to Windsor, we counted 23 Red-tailed Hawks! That's a new personal record for a drive across the county! We stopped at Ojibway Park, hoping to give Chris and Nadia their first good views of a Northern Shrike, but we 'shriked out' as my friend Dwayne says when he does not find a shrike. In its place, quite literally in the exact same place as I expected to see the shrike, was an American Kestrel, who kindly gave us great close views before flying off to find his next victim. I say 'his' because he is a male, identifiable by the extensive blue colour on his wings. If it was a female, it would be mostly orange-red in colour. To the left of this paragraph is a video I captured of the American Kestrel taking off and flying away, along with a photo below from today of him holding a rather large Meadow Vole(this prey probably weighs over half of the kestrel's weight!):
We made our way to Lake View Park Marina and the Trumpeter Swans were about as close to us as possible, which was awesome! There were many great birds there like usual, including many Great Blue Herons, Bald Eagles, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Canvasbacks, Redheads, Greater Scaup, a few Lesser Scaup, and a Ruddy Duck! I love this location because there are always many birds to be seen, and I think diving ducks are great. Here is a short video of one of the Trumpeter Swans. Can you tell why it's called a trumpeter?
Thank you for reading, and happy birding!
We made our way to Lake View Park Marina and the Trumpeter Swans were about as close to us as possible, which was awesome! There were many great birds there like usual, including many Great Blue Herons, Bald Eagles, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Canvasbacks, Redheads, Greater Scaup, a few Lesser Scaup, and a Ruddy Duck! I love this location because there are always many birds to be seen, and I think diving ducks are great. Here is a short video of one of the Trumpeter Swans. Can you tell why it's called a trumpeter?
Thank you for reading, and happy birding!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Paul Pratt's Group Birding Trip - February 23
This morning I met up with about ten birding friends at Hillman Marsh for one of Paul Pratt's winter birding tours, the last one until spring time. Like usual with these trips, we saw many awesome birds, as well as a bunch of White-tailed Deer and a Coyote, which is always a nice treat. Upon entering the parking lot of Hillman Marsh, I spotted an American Robin flying overhead, one of few that I have seen lately. We walked part of the trail and came up with a variety of winter songbirds, including many Horned Larks and Snow Buntings, and 2 Red-winged Blackbirds, among others. Then we went to the Southeast corner of the marsh and viewed 6 Greater White-fronted Geese, one Cackling Goose, and some early migrant Northern Pintails among the Canada Geese. I am really enjoying the fact that viewing either of these goose species is becoming a regular occurrence in this area! Who knows how long they will stay here or when we will have such opportunities to see them here again. We also watched 2 Glaucous Gulls fly past over the lake. They are awesome gulls with their very light-coloured plumage and impressive size!
At this point I picked up my girlfriend Nadia from my place and we all headed out to Woodslee to our friend Janet's house for lunch. On the way, +Kory Renaud spotted a Snowy Owl in a field which was a great unexpected treat. At Janet's house we had a great lunch and got re-energized for an afternoon of birding, then headed outside to look at both species of nuthatch and the many sparrows, American Goldfinches, House Finches, and Pine Siskin that make a living off her bird feeders through the winter, as well as a very illusive Long-eared Owl hiding up in a tree (photo on right). The Pine Siskin (photo above, taken by my girlfriend Nadia) were my hilight of the birds in Janet's yard, as this was my first time getting a good look at them. Janet also directed us to what appears to be a fully leucistic (all-white feathers with a dark eye, so not exactly but similar to albino) Red-tailed Hawk! Wow, I was nearly speechless when I saw it. I did not expect to see one of these in my first year of birding!
Heading out of Woodslee we spotted 2 American Kestrels, a group of about 10 Wild Turkey, and we helped our friend Dwayne relocate the Snowy Owl. Nadia and I stopped at my dad's house, where he surprised me with a pretty cool rain jacket to wear in the spring! Before dark we took a trip to a known winter hunting ground for Short-eared Owls but did not see any. This was my third time looking for them since New Year's so it is starting to seem likely that they moved on. Oh well, we still had fun watching some Horned Lark sing away close by. Here is a short video clip of a Horned Lark singing:
Like usual, today was another wonderful day of birding, thanks to great birds and great people to share them with. Thank you for reading! Happy birding!
Heading out of Woodslee we spotted 2 American Kestrels, a group of about 10 Wild Turkey, and we helped our friend Dwayne relocate the Snowy Owl. Nadia and I stopped at my dad's house, where he surprised me with a pretty cool rain jacket to wear in the spring! Before dark we took a trip to a known winter hunting ground for Short-eared Owls but did not see any. This was my third time looking for them since New Year's so it is starting to seem likely that they moved on. Oh well, we still had fun watching some Horned Lark sing away close by. Here is a short video clip of a Horned Lark singing:
Like usual, today was another wonderful day of birding, thanks to great birds and great people to share them with. Thank you for reading! Happy birding!
Friday, 22 February 2013
Greater White-fronted Geese at Hillman Marsh!
Today girlfriend Nadia and I took a trip to Hillman Marsh Conservation Area in Leamington, where I have been seeing some interesting geese lately, including Greater White-fronted Geese (normally found in Western Canada, but small groups of usually 1-4 show up in Ontario during winter), Cackling Geese, 1 mostly white Snow Goose, and 2 white Ross's Geese. Today, like usual, Hillman Marsh was once again very generous to our birding appetite. On our last visit here we checked out the Couture Dyke path and found open water, 2 Cackling Geese, and 19 Greater White-fronted Geese, so naturally this was the path we chose today.
The drive from Windsor hinted at good birding to come today, as we saw 17 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 American Kestrels! We keep a 'high score' of the most hawks we have ever seen between Windsor and Leamington, and this trumped our previous record of 15.
Just before turning into the parking area for the Couture Dyke, we spotted a rather close Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree (I never get bored of seeing these beautiful buteos)and an adult Bald Eagle flew pretty low over the road. We walked about a kilometre out on the trail and were in pretty good viewing range of the geese on the open water in the marsh. There were very few geese here, but we spotted about 6 Redhead ducks, a couple Gadwall, a bunch of American Black Ducks, and an American Coot among the Mallards and Canada Geese. Since we walked all that way and could hear thousands of geese in nearby fields, we waited, and sure enough they came. We ended up seeing a total of 27 Greater White-fronted Geese tonight, and possibly more because we could not keep track of who was coming and going. Above is a particularly sharp photo of the Greater White-fronted Geese that Nadia captured, and below is a short video of them on the frozen marsh:
We were so caught up in watching the Greater White-fronted Geese that we did not take many photos. Sometimes a camera just cannot capture an experience the way a memory can. We also saw two American Robins and heard a few Red-winged Blackbirds (They are both surprisingly scarce in winter. I have only seen a handful of each since New Year's until the last week or so) on our walk back, and a surprise view of a Long-eared Owl hunting (It flew right in front of us while driving past the marsh!). Here is a photo I captured of a Long-Eared Owl at the same location about a month ago:
The drive from Windsor hinted at good birding to come today, as we saw 17 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 American Kestrels! We keep a 'high score' of the most hawks we have ever seen between Windsor and Leamington, and this trumped our previous record of 15.
Just before turning into the parking area for the Couture Dyke, we spotted a rather close Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree (I never get bored of seeing these beautiful buteos)and an adult Bald Eagle flew pretty low over the road. We walked about a kilometre out on the trail and were in pretty good viewing range of the geese on the open water in the marsh. There were very few geese here, but we spotted about 6 Redhead ducks, a couple Gadwall, a bunch of American Black Ducks, and an American Coot among the Mallards and Canada Geese. Since we walked all that way and could hear thousands of geese in nearby fields, we waited, and sure enough they came. We ended up seeing a total of 27 Greater White-fronted Geese tonight, and possibly more because we could not keep track of who was coming and going. Above is a particularly sharp photo of the Greater White-fronted Geese that Nadia captured, and below is a short video of them on the frozen marsh:
Tomorrow morning will be one of Paul Pratt's group birding trips, to Hillman Marsh. That should be exciting, as I have not walked the main path in a while. Maybe we will find some early spring migrants! I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on today's adventure.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Birding in Windsor - Feb. 21
Today I spent a few hours at Ojibway Park in Lasalle, near Windsor. This is one of the main areas I bird watch, as I visit this park at least a few days per week, rain, snow, or shine. It was pretty sunny all day, making for great photography opportunities, and naturally, I took full advantage of this. I started at the Ojibway Prairie Heritage Forest (across the street from Ojibway Park Nature Centre) and got very close to singing Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, a Carolina Wren, and a Red-winged Blackbird; so close in fact that I took video of a few birds singing away. Singing birds are surely a sign of spring coming, finally! It was so refreshing that I sat down on a camping chair and watched/listened for a while. To the right is a video of a Northern Cardinal singing and below is a photo of a Carolina Wren:
I then took a short drive to the West side of the Ojibway Tallgrass Prairie Reserve, where I have been seeing a Northern Shrike (first found by Brad Hamel on my birthday, December 10), and found it across the street, hunting from some abandoned hydro lines behind the closed Windsor Raceway. I watched it dive down a number of times, but like usual, return empty-handed. I know it is successfully hunting in the area because it has stayed for over 2 months, and a friend of mine saw it `butcher` a small rodent. The Northern Shrike, Lanius excubitor, is a species of songbird that evolved into a predator, so it cannot use powerful talons the way that raptors and owls do. After making a kill using only its beak, it impales its dead prey on a barb or thorn to be tenderized by the sun for easy dismemberment and eating later on. Thus, the Northern Shrike is nicknamed `The Butcher Bird` because of the way it 'butchers' its meal. Sure, at first thought this seems disgusting, but isn`t the this bird's food preparation closer to our own food prep than any animal you know of? The Northern Shrike is probably my favourite species of bird because of its unique and intelligent method of hunting and eating! I captured some pretty interesting video of the shrike looking for prey and taking off from its perch. Also, I am pretty sure that I saw one of the local pairs of Red-tailed Hawks copulate today. They were far away so it is tough to say for sure, especially since copulation only takes seconds and I am not sure if it is late enough into the season yet, but they sure seemed to 'land' in the way that songbirds do when they copulate. "Get a room you two!"
My third stop in the Ojibway Park Complex was at the main woods and visitor centre, where I routinely check the feeders for birds. There was nothing particularly noteworthy (although I love looking at any/all birds) so I ventured into the forest, where I saw an Eastern Screech Owl in a known tree that usually houses it for the spring. This was nice because it was only my second time this year seeing it there. Here is a photo I captured today of the owl:
Call me crazy, but I tried something today that many would call extreme: I went for a walk barefoot! Ah, it was only a few degrees below zero and it was only about 500m of walking haha. I did this a number of times in the summer and fall, but figured my coat, sweaters, and four pairs of pants would keep me warm enough, and they did! It was a rather comfortable walk actually. The only uncomfortable part was walking through puddles and muddy gravel right at the end. I hear 'barefoot backpacking' is a growing trend in hiking, so I figured I'd join in. I really felt more connected to the forest while walking barefoot (okay, so maybe I'm a bit of a nature-hippy, but I'm a birder! Aren't we all sort-of hippies and/or geeks in our own way?).
I left Ojibway and picked up Nadia, my girlfriend, and we went birding along the Detroit River in Windsor. We stopped at our favourite viewing spot downtown by Casino Windsor, Alexander Park, Reaume Park, Abars Bar, and Lake View Park Marina. Between the first two stops, we tallied 5 Glaucous Gulls, which we normally do not see at all on the Detroit River! For the most part, each of these locations had Canada Geese, Mallards, a variety of diving ducks, and of course, Bald Eagles! Today we counted 32 Bald Eagles all visible at once from Lake View Marina, which beats my high score last week of 31! There were also a number of Mute Swans and Great Blue Herons at this location, and we watched a Red Fox run around on the ice on Peche Island, which is always a nice treat. I was hoping we would get to watch the local Peregrine Falcons put on a show like they did yesterday at Lake View Marina, but we did not see them today. The photo shows 2 male and 1 female Hooded Merganser:
Overall, it was a fantastic day of birding, like usual!
Call me crazy, but I tried something today that many would call extreme: I went for a walk barefoot! Ah, it was only a few degrees below zero and it was only about 500m of walking haha. I did this a number of times in the summer and fall, but figured my coat, sweaters, and four pairs of pants would keep me warm enough, and they did! It was a rather comfortable walk actually. The only uncomfortable part was walking through puddles and muddy gravel right at the end. I hear 'barefoot backpacking' is a growing trend in hiking, so I figured I'd join in. I really felt more connected to the forest while walking barefoot (okay, so maybe I'm a bit of a nature-hippy, but I'm a birder! Aren't we all sort-of hippies and/or geeks in our own way?).
Overall, it was a fantastic day of birding, like usual!
Birding This Weekend - First ever overnight birding trip!
Hi, and welcome to my blog! Seeing as this is my first ever blog post, I figure I'll write about my first ever overnight birding adventure a few days ago! I've been birding every day in Essex County since I started last year, but this weekend I visited my friend +Josh Vandermeulen in Cambridge (many thanks to him and his family for letting me stay there) and we did a heck of a lot of birding (and driving) between Sunday, Feb. 17 and Monday, Feb. 18, adding a total of 10 species to my life list!
On Sunday, I met up with Josh in the morning and we headed to Niagara then Hamilton, where we stopped at a number of great birding hot spots. I particularly loved seeing the male breeding plumage King Eider, hundreds of Long-tailed Ducks, high numbers of white northern gulls and thousands of gulls in general (even though most were too far away to identify). I heard Niagara Falls is one of the best places in North America to view gulls, and I quickly found out why!
Hilights, divided by location (bold font are new to my life list):
Sunday, February 17:
1. Niagara - Port Weller East Pier
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
King Eider - 1
Double-crested Cormorant - 73
2. Niagara - Dufferin Islands
California Gull! - 1
Iceland Gull - 2
Belted Kingfisher - 1
gulls - 3000+
3. Niagara Falls - Adam Beck Power Station (this spot is neat because it gives viewers a chance to look down at the top side of gulls flying!)
Glaucous Gull - 1
Iceland Gull - 6
Thayer's Gull - 1
4. Niagara - Queenston
Turkey Vultures - 4 flying over landfill in Lewiston, NY, visible from Queenston Heights
Long-tailed Ducks - 200+ (photo on right)
Bonaparte's Gull - 100+
Glaucous Gull - 15+
Iceland Gull - 30+
gulls - 4000+
5. Niagara - St. Catherine's - 5th Ave.
Snowy Owl - 1 (very white plumage: adult male. I unsuccessfully spent many hours looking for these in Essex & Kent Counties) Here is a photo:

6. Hamilton - Red Hill Creek
Black-crowned Night-heron - 4
Ruddy Duck - 1
ducks - 10 different species!
Monday, February 18:
1. Durham - Kendal - Langstaff Rd.
Townsend's Solitaire - 1
Pileated Woodpecker - 1
Evening Grosbeak - 8
2. Northumberland - Garden Hill - Hwy 9
Trumpeter Swan - 4 (Photo on right)
3. Durham - Pickering - Frenchman's Bay
Snow Goose - 2 (1 'Blue Goose' and 1 first-year)
Cackling Goose - 1
4. Wellington - Puslinch - Ellis Rd.
Harris's Sparrow - 1 (Photo below)
Bohemian Waxwing - 15
Wow, what a weekend of birding! Four new life birds Sunday and six new life birds Monday! I haven't added this many birds to my life list in such a short time since my first couple months of birding(which was not really that long ago...)! It's funny that one of the only birds I planned to add to my life list this weekend was a Barred Owl, and due to the many rare birds in the area, we did not even bother looking for one! Needless to say, I do not feel like I missed out by not seeing a Barred Owl this weekend. That's what next time is for! I cannot wait to go back and see more of the great birding this area has to offer. I'm sure most of the awesome birding and species this weekend would not have been possible had Josh not shown me around and let me stay with him, so here's another big thanks to Josh! I look forward to my next visit to that area!
Well, there is my first blog. Hopefully it saves so I do not have to rewrite it! Enjoy.
On Sunday, I met up with Josh in the morning and we headed to Niagara then Hamilton, where we stopped at a number of great birding hot spots. I particularly loved seeing the male breeding plumage King Eider, hundreds of Long-tailed Ducks, high numbers of white northern gulls and thousands of gulls in general (even though most were too far away to identify). I heard Niagara Falls is one of the best places in North America to view gulls, and I quickly found out why!
Hilights, divided by location (bold font are new to my life list):
Sunday, February 17:
1. Niagara - Port Weller East Pier
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
King Eider - 1
Double-crested Cormorant - 73
2. Niagara - Dufferin Islands
California Gull! - 1
Iceland Gull - 2
Belted Kingfisher - 1
gulls - 3000+
3. Niagara Falls - Adam Beck Power Station (this spot is neat because it gives viewers a chance to look down at the top side of gulls flying!)
Iceland Gull - 6
Thayer's Gull - 1
4. Niagara - Queenston
Turkey Vultures - 4 flying over landfill in Lewiston, NY, visible from Queenston Heights
Long-tailed Ducks - 200+ (photo on right)
Bonaparte's Gull - 100+
Glaucous Gull - 15+
Iceland Gull - 30+
gulls - 4000+
5. Niagara - St. Catherine's - 5th Ave.
Snowy Owl - 1 (very white plumage: adult male. I unsuccessfully spent many hours looking for these in Essex & Kent Counties) Here is a photo:
6. Hamilton - Red Hill Creek
Black-crowned Night-heron - 4
Ruddy Duck - 1
ducks - 10 different species!
Monday, February 18:
1. Durham - Kendal - Langstaff Rd.
Townsend's Solitaire - 1
Pileated Woodpecker - 1
2. Northumberland - Garden Hill - Hwy 9
Trumpeter Swan - 4 (Photo on right)
3. Durham - Pickering - Frenchman's Bay
Snow Goose - 2 (1 'Blue Goose' and 1 first-year)
Snowy Owl - 1 (heavily barred: probably young female. Very different from yesterday's. Photo below, being mobbed by an American Crow)
Trumpeter Swan - 10Cackling Goose - 1
4. Wellington - Puslinch - Ellis Rd.
Harris's Sparrow - 1 (Photo below)
Bohemian Waxwing - 15
Well, there is my first blog. Hopefully it saves so I do not have to rewrite it! Enjoy.
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